Self-Powered Pacemaker 

Current industry status
The pacemaker is located outside the heart and connected to the pacing lead lodged within the trabeculae of the right ventricle. The pacing lead is inserted through transvenous procedure involving incision of a vein into which the pacing lead is inserted. The battery eventually depletes and the pacemaker has to be replaced.

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Pi-Harvest Experiment
Equipped with Pi-Harvest piezo-generators, the pacemaker supplies electrical energy provided by heart movement to a rechargeable battery. The battery provides the energy back to the pacemaker as needed.

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Future pacemaker
The pacemaker equipped with Pi-Harvest piezo-generators and containing a rechargeable battery is completely installed inside the right ventricle.

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The animal experiments are performed according to WMA Declaration of Helsinki on animal use in bio-medical research.